Curve follows Series C round with Crowdcube crowdfunding campaign

PayTech venture Curve is launching a crowdfunding round via the Crowdcube platform.

This builds on a recent £72.5 million Series C round.

Curve has developed a platform that consolidates several cards and accounts into one “smart” card and app,

It has been down the crowdfunding route before, in 2019, when it pulled in £4 million within 42 minutes.

The proceeds of the latest crowdfunding and Series C round will be used to invest in product innovation and international expansion.  

Shachar Bialick, Founder and CEO, Curve, says: “2020 was a transformational year for us, and I believe 2021 will be bigger yet, as we fulfil our mission to build a financial super app.”

“With increasing fragmentation in financial services, and growing demand from consumers for a simpler way to control and manage their finances, the scene is set for Curve to seize a global opportunity. We are investing in our people and the business to make that happen.”

He adds: “We know many new customers missed out on our 2019 crowdfunding, and we’ve fielded constant requests to open a new round.”

“So I am ecstatic to announce the launch of this crowdfunding campaign, and look forward to redefining the future of personal finance together with our customers and shareholders.”

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