How to plan a successful retail refit: six things you shouldn't overlook

A retail refit can be an intimidating process for business owners. Getting it right is essential, as it can significantly impact your store's success.

With the right approach, you can ensure your retail refit helps you reach your business goals and creates a shopping experience that customers will love.

With careful planning, you can create a shopping experience that customers love and will help your business thrive. But before you jump in, pay attention to the following steps you shouldn’t skip first.

Establish a budget and timeline

Before you start your retail refit, you need to understand how much it will cost and how much time you have to complete the project.

Once you have these details, you can work on a plan to manage the project and ensure it is completed on time and within budget. A retail refit can cost upwards of  £50,000, depending on the size of your store and the materials you use.

It's important to factor in the project's total cost from the beginning, so you can avoid financial stress and make sure you have enough money set aside.

Plan your layout from the customer's perspective

The layout of your store is essential for customer experience. When planning your retail refit, you need to plan your store's layout to meet your customers' needs.

Start by considering your budget, the size of your store, and the type of products you sell. Try to make your store as easy to navigate as possible, so customers can find what they're looking for with minimal fuss.

Make sure you keep high traffic areas clear, so customers can move around your store without getting in the way of each other or your workers.  

Pay attention to the lighting

The lighting in your store significantly impacts the overall feel of your store. It can affect the mood, the attractiveness of your products, and even the price of your products.

For example, brighter lighting makes products appear more attractive and helps customers to see the products more clearly. However, too much bright lighting can make your products appear cheaper.

Ideally, you should create a balance between different types of lighting. For example, you can use a combination of lamps and natural light to create the right brightness level.  

Utilise technology to help you grow your business

The products you choose for your retail refit can play a big part in helping you reach your business goals.

For example, you can use technology, such as in-store beacons, to increase footfall and drive sales. You can also use technology to improve the shopping experience.

A digital fitting room, for example, allows customers to try on clothes without visiting a dressing room, which can be uncomfortable for some people. Technology can also help you to gather data and analyse your sales, which can be helpful if you are reaching your profit goals. 

Work with expert refitters

As well as deciding what products you want to use for your retail refit, you also need to determine who will complete the refit.

Choosing the right retail refitting company is essential, as it will significantly impact your retail refit's success. You need to find a company with the experience and expertise to complete your refit to a high standard.  

Have a clear out reduce stock levels before refitting

Before starting your retail refit, you should clear out and reduce your stock levels. For example, you can use this time to reduce your inventory and eliminate outdated or damaged products.

This will help you save money and make room for the new products you want to use in your store. You can also use the time before your refit to make repairs and clean your store. Organise a Skip Hire to help you clear out and prepare for your store refit. 


This article provides a comprehensive guide on planning a successful retail refit, from establishing a budget and timeline to choosing suitable materials and furniture for your store.

With the right approach, you can ensure your retail refit is successful and beneficial to your store.