Why it’s best customer practice to compare reviews

Some people do it to share their experiences, and some people do it just to be heard. Others do it with the intent of causing harm, while others do it to spread joy. Regardless of the reason, millions of people worldwide write and post reviews online each day. 

From product reviews on e-commerce websites to the best online casino reviews for 2022, there is a never ending supply of reviews available. Usually, these can be incredibly helpful if you want to make a purchase decision.

While reviews can provide insight into the product, website, or service you’re investigating, they also offer something worth much more. They provide an essential consumer tool that you can use to ensure that you always get what you’re looking for, exactly when you’re looking for it. 

Because of this, it is good customer practice to compare reviews online before buying something. Below, we’ll highlight several reasons you should start doing so yourself. 

1. Reviews give you specifics that you may not otherwise discover

Even though the internet has given us access to the world’s knowledge at our fingertips, sometimes it is challenging to find the information you’re looking for. This is especially true if you’re looking to purchase something online from an e-commerce site. 

Sometimes, these sites list so many items that they simply don’t have the time or resources to develop and publish detailed information about each product. We can’t say we blame the sites when online giants like Amazon UK had around 281,257 active sellers in 2019 alone.

The problem is that when purchasing something, you generally want to know the complete picture before proceeding to checkout. This is where reviews may be your saving grace, as they hold typically much more detailed information about the product.

This information is provided by people who have already purchased the product and carefully examined every inch of it, as many of us do.

Aside from this, many items are reviewed by professional reviewers who purposefully inspect every detail and then explain it carefully so that you have the complete picture. 

2. Reviews can give you an unbiased opinion of a service, product, or website

Aside from giving you more information than you may otherwise find, unbiased reviews clearly state the good, the bad, and even the ugly (where it occurs). 

Unlike bios or product write ups, which are usually done by the owners or people trying to sell you on the product - unbiased, honest reviews don’t care if you buy (or use) the product/service or not. Instead, they lay bare the truth about what you’re searching for. 

This is especially useful if you are looking for a new website to join or a service to subscribe to. It gives you the truth about how the site or service operates and eliminates any wondering on your part about what you may have to expect. 

While it’s certainly possible for reviews to be slightly skewed based on the commissions that the sites that publish them receive, as long as the reviews show you the pros and cons of something, you should come out with a reasonably balanced opinion.

3. Reviews may save you from trouble and possibly the loss of your money

Because we live in a digital age where online transactions are the norm, the possibility of happening upon a scam to steal your money is never far away. Many websites pose as legitimate businesses just to get your money before ghosting you. 

Reading up on the reviews of a site or service can save you a lot of time if it is a scam. This time would otherwise have to be spent on trying to reverse a fraudulent transaction, securing your account, and possibly reporting it to the authorities. 

Popular review websites like Trustpilot are great places to see if a business is what it claims to be. For the most part, these reviews are written by actual customers or subscribers that can give valuable insight into their experiences in dealing with the business. 

Based on these reviews, you may quickly discover whether or not a business is legitimate.

This information will help you decide whether to look for an alternative or go ahead with the one you’ve researched. But keep an eye out for fake reviews, which are generally pretty easy to spot.

4. Reviews teach you things that you may otherwise never have discovered

Aside from giving you more information about a product or service, many reviews can teach you something you may have never discovered. This may be about a specific feature, page of a website, or even a neat trick for a product you’re looking to buy. 

Often, reviewers will pick a website or product apart to discover everything there is to know about it.

They then share all the knowledge they gained so that you don’t have to do the same thing. Instead, you can benefit from their efforts right from the beginning. 

5. Reviews give you a birds-eye comparison of various options

Like standing in a store and physically looking at and comparing all the different brands and variants of a product, reviews allow you this opportunity while online. They allow you to compare reviews of similar products or services against one another to see the pros and cons of each. 

An excellent example of this is the growing industry of online casinos, which are slowly becoming more popular than bricks and mortar casinos. Having different reviews open side by side will show you the best features of each website and give you a good indication of which one you should probably try. 

Many websites already have a compare option for products to pit different products against each other. However, these feature only technical information or specs. Reviews offer more insight by letting you know what people experienced when using the product. 


Reviews have been around almost since the internet became popular. There is also an excellent reason they have become so popular, with many websites dedicated solely to reviews. 

They have become an indispensable customer tool in deciding what product or site to use.

So, if you want to buy something online, make it a habit to check out online reviews before making a purchase decision. You’ll probably be amazed at how much they will help you choose wisely.