Five techniques for generating and promoting interactive content for your brand

Interactive content is the best way to grow your brand and take your content to the next level. Read on for five techniques that will do just that.

Humanities' attention spans are shrinking every year. According to one study, we currently possess attention spans of only eight seconds. Even more shocking, they’re said to decrease by 25% every year.

This presents an incredibly tough challenge for today's marketers. Getting users' attention and maintaining it is becoming more and more difficult every year. Marketers need to be smarter, more creative, and create content that’s more engaging than ever.

This means incorporating, generating, and promoting interactive content.

Brands increasingly need to look at making their content more dynamic and engaging. The more your users engage with your brand the more you know about them and what they need.

You’ll be able to leverage this data to create actionable insights and grow your brand as a whole.


Interactive content is said to be capable of nearly doubling your conversions as well as helping bolster creativity throughout your brand. In the right environment, the more creative your team is the more successful your brand is going to be.

Interactive content isn’t just the future of marketing, if you want to be competitive in today's world, it’s the here and now. Knowing how to generate the perfect interactive content is the key to growing your business.

Five techniques for generating and promoting interactive content for your brand

Interactive content is a great way to actively involve users in engaging with your content. Instead of sifting through swathes of written content or complex info, it allows users to interact with your brand in a way that will delight users as well as inform them.

1.   Use interactive infographics

Infographics are one of the most stunning, creative, and effective tools to engage users and keep them entertained and inform them.

Interactive infographics dial that affect up to 11. Just take a look at this interactive infographic used by the Medill School of Journalism, to explain the LGBTQ2SQIA+ acronym.


Static infographics are useful, but they definitely aren't as effective as interactive ones, especially when it comes to providing deep insights or statistics.

Human beings are both incredibly visual creatures and increasingly short attention span-bearing ones. Infographics draw the user's eye to your content, keep it there and then appeal to our most basic instinct in terms of loving all things colorful and eye-catching.

No matter what content you’re creating, including interactive infographics, is a sure-fire way to create fantastic, memorable content.

2.   Offer content through ebooks

Ebooks are one of the best types of interactive content out there. As a medium, they make it easy-to-educate users, inform your audience as well as promote your brand and its content.

Accessible from a variety of devices able to be reused for different content marketing purposes and inexpensive, Ebooks are a lot more useful than they’re given credit for. In addition to those benefits, ebooks are also incredibly interactive, which makes them excellent tools for boosting user engagement.

Including a table of contents that allows users to easily jump from section to section has a major impact in terms of ease of use for users. Incorporating text to speech software improves accessibility and even makes it easy for ebooks to be used to make video content.

Ebooks are one of the most effective lead magnets out there, so including them in your content strategy can go a long way to growing your brand.

3.   Include interactive video

The use of interactive video has skyrocketed since the beginning of Covid-19.


Incredibly informative, highly visual, and more and more widely used, interactive videos are becoming a go-to for marketers looking to create more engaging content.

While it tends to suit long-form content, the principles behind interactive videos are easily adaptable for various marketers. Everything from live shopping videos, to explanatory or educational content, can be enhanced using interactive video content.

Combining your interactive videos with banner advertising is a great way to advertise your content in a way you know viewers will find engaging. If you’re unfamiliar with how to make an interactive banner or looking for an online banner maker, consider using a service like Creatopy.

Interactive content can be difficult to figure out how to implement on your own, but it’s well worth the investment.

According to Forbes, as much as 80% of the Internet is video and that shows no sign of slowing down. Incorporating the rapidly growing genre of interactive video is sure to put your brand well ahead of the competition.

4.   Show value with interactive calculators

Interactive calculators are one of the most surprising and subtle ways to keep a user engaged with your content.

Not only do they provide your audience with immediate feedback, but they also are capable of immediately conveying your brand's value.

Things like salary checkers, tax calculators, and website analyzsrs are great examples of interactive tools that act as fantastic lead generators. If you can incorporate an interactive calculator that lets users plug in details and see the effect of what you have to offer, you almost instantaneously get users to accept your product.

An example of this is Hubspot's ROI calculator.


Simple, well explained, and easy to use, it offers immediate results. Interactive calculators act as a fantastic way to keep users on-site and explain how valuable you think your product can be.

5.   Integrate surveys and polls

Polls and surveys are one of the most visually effective types of interactive content out there.

While they’re typically based on “Yes/No”, they can be incredibly effective when it comes to getting valuable feedback from your audience.

Between encouraging audience engagement, increasing brand awareness, and informing users about your product, polls are far more useful than they’re given credit for.


Great interactive polls and surveys don't have to be dull, option A or option B forced labour.

Good surveys are bright, clean, creative, and efficient. They make filling out information feel fun. Interactive buttons, embedded video, and animation can all combine to create interactive polls that your users enjoy filling out.

Giving your polls the ability to see how other users answered the same questions is another great way to involve your users and make the experience feel more fun.

The right questions can help guide your brand as well as entice and improve user experiences. Interactive surveys and polls can make your brand seem a lot more personable which goes a long way when it comes to engaging users and ultimately creating a sense of loyalty.

Final thoughts

In today's high speed, competitive digital world, user engagement is everything.

The amount of time a user spends on your site, interacting with your content can determine the success of your whole brand.

Brand awareness, brand loyalty, and conversion capability are all directly linked to how much your users enjoy your content and how much they enjoy those interactions.

Some studies have even found that interactive content converts users 70% of the time.

Interactive content also has an amazing ability to level the digital playing field.

So long as your content is a unique, well-designed, and engaging experience for them. The concept of trying to include specifically interactive content for a brand is still a recently developed and growing field.

That’s to say, there’s room for a lot of innovation, with a large and open market.

The more open you are to embracing the types of content you know your users will enjoy, the more likely they are to enjoy it. Ultimately, interactive content is all about delivering the best experience for your users possible.

While all interactive content boosts user engagement, not all interactive content is necessarily suitable for your audience.

Knowing which types or techniques are best suited to each piece of content will ultimately be down to you and your team, and the insights you’ve gained about your audience along the way.