Six tips for creating a healthy home office

Working from home has advantages but can easily lead to an unhealthy work environment.

Creating an ergonomic workspace and choosing the proper lighting to get plenty of exercise, and reducing stress levels are just some of the things needed to create a healthy home office.

Here are tips to help you learn more about how you can achieve your goal of maintaining good health while working from home.

1.   Work on lighting

Lighting plays a huge role in setting the tone for your workspace. Natural light should be the primary illumination source in your home office, as it can help increase focus and productivity. You can increase the natural light by opening your windows and blinds or setting up a sunlamp.

Alternatively, you can purchase clip or adjustable desk lamps to provide more direct lighting when needed.

Artificial light often has a bluish tint, leading to eye strain. To reduce this, you should install LED lights that give off a warmer glow and help to create a more calming atmosphere.

2.   Invest in an ergonomic desk chair

Back pain is one of the most common complaints reported by people who work from home. To reduce this discomfort, invest in an ergonomic desk chair to provide maximum lumbar support while you're seated.

Look for adjustable features such as height and/or armrests that can be customised according to your body type.

Your desk chair should also be comfortable enough that you want to avoid getting up every few minutes. Over time, this will help reduce your risk of chronic back and neck problems.

3.   Improve indoor air quality

The air quality in your home office is just as important as the temperature. Poor indoor air can lead to various health issues, including allergies and asthma.

To improve the air quality in your workspace, invest in a HEPA filter or purifier. The Alen 75i air purifier is a great option, as it can reduce up to 99.9% of bacteria, pollen, and other pollutants in the air. Open up a window or two to allow fresh air to circulate.

4.   Keep everything organised

Clutter can be very distracting, and it can also lead to feelings of stress.

To keep your workspace organised and free from unnecessary items, use vertical storage solutions such as bookshelves, pegboards, or wall organisers. This will make it easier to find everything you need without searching through stacks of papers or piles of junk.

5.   Get up and move around

Sitting at a desk for hours is bad for your health in many ways, so do yourself a favour and take frequent breaks throughout the day.

Step away from your workspace for a few minutes every hour to stretch and get some light exercise.

A quick walk around the block or a short yoga session can help you stay focused and revitalise your energy levels for improved productivity. A simple neck and shoulder stretch can also reduce tension.

6.   Add some greenery

Bringing plants into your workspace is an easy way to make it feel more inviting and calming.

Many houseplants require minimal care, such as succulents, air plants, or spider plants. These greenery additions will also help to improve the air quality in your home office by filtering out pollutants.

Creating a healthy home office is not as difficult as it may seem. By following these tips, you can give yourself the best chance of staying productive and healthy while working from your home.