Nordic online pharmacy Apotea deploys first piece-picking solution integrated with AutoStore

Swedish online pharmacy, Apotea, automated its logistics centre in autumn 2022 to deliver approximately 50,000 orders a day to its customers.

Following cooperation between Element Logic, AutoStore, RightHand Robotics and Apotea, the centre fully integrated eOperator piece-picking robots with an AutoStore solution, pitched as a world first.

“During the pandemic, we looked at expanding the capacity to go from delivering 50,000 orders to 100,000 orders,” says Pär Svärdson, CEO at Apotea.

“That's when we started looking at Element Logic and AutoStore. When we thought of installing AutoStore, it was precisely the ability to be able to robotise the picking that was one of the driving forces.”

In Apotea's logistics centre in Morgongåva, Sweden, the company has invested in automation from Element Logic, which takes care of the entire warehouse process. The goal is to optimise delivery and efficiency and cope with large variations in incoming orders.

The installation consists of 20,000 bins (with space for a total of 25,000), 30 AutoStore robots (R5) and four carousel ports, three of which are served by eOperator piece-picking robots.

Initially, the new capacity at Apotea is estimated to be 800 order lines per hour.

“For us, it was essential to have a solution that can handle variations in product size and order intake, and that can expand as we grow. This investment helps us become more efficient, which makes it easier for us to exceed our customers' expectations,” says Svärdson.

“To Apotea, the automation solution of AutoStore, eOperator and other features from Element Logic goes splendidly with their combined targets of optimal warehouse efficiency and environmental care,” says Dag-Adler Blakseth, CEO at Element Logic Group.

“We look forward to following Apotea’s journey towards highly accurate deliveries along with saved energy, reduced noise levels and ergonomically friendly working hours.”


eOperator picks automatically 24/7, requiring no light at night.

Through machine learning, it automatically selects the best way to handle an item to be picked, increasing order capacity, goods handling, and delivery time.

“eOperator makes it possible to deliver quickly to customers, even at nights, weekends and bank holidays. You get a 24-hour operation, which is completely exceptional. We get better efficiency and faster deliveries, making everything cheaper and more efficient. It became natural to say, yes, let’s go,” comments Svärdson.