Talking point - Embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion: how CIOs can drive innovation

Something I’ve been passionate about for quite a while is how diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is not just the right thing to do from the view of building the kind of future we want but is key if we want to build a high performing, innovation focused team.

DEI - the trio that's been making waves in boardrooms and tearing up the rulebook on how we drive forward innovation. So why is this more than just “virtue signalling”, why is it absolutely key to both immediate and long term performance?

What is the recipe for the secret sauce? A whole lot of fresh perspectives, a heap of fairness, and a generous pinch of respect. It's not just about getting different folks in the room, it's about making sure everyone's voices are heard, and that they're valued.

A diverse group is like having a swiss army knife in a sticky situation - you've got the right tool for every problem, if you’ve picked the right group.

What's more exciting than a brainstorming session with an ensemble cast of unique thinkers?

You're right, nothing. By bringing together a rich tapestry of experiences and viewpoints, you've got yourself a recipe for some breakthrough eureka moments. This is the new age alchemy, where you transmute diversity into the gold of innovation.

And it's not just about creating some magical innovation factory. It's about doing the right thing, creating a workspace that treats everyone with respect, and making sure all voices are heard. And that, without doubt, is a win win situation.

Build a diverse team: Go out there and find folks who don't just look different but think different.

Hire people who have walked different paths, who have unique stories to tell.  Hire people who will challenge, not just the team, but will challenge you, the leader. Be strong enough to know you need to be challenged and know it will make you and your team stronger.

Homogeneity breeds groupthink, it breeds a culture where the loudest view wins out, because everyone is thinking the same – or worse they feel they must think the same. 

Heterogenous groups on the other hand will, by default, reject group think, they come built in with a range of ideas, not all will work, not all will be as valuable as others, but if you can ensure everyone in the team feels their ideas are given equal weight to be heard, that everyone is respected equally, you will find solutions from the most surprising of sources.

Stir up the collaboration soup: Encourage people to share their ideas, mix and match, and get inspired by each other. Cultivate cultural competence: Create an environment that doesn't just tolerate differences, but actively celebrates them. Provide resources, offer training, make everyone feel seen and valued.

Weave DEI into your strategy: Don't make DEI an afterthought, embed it into your innovation blueprint. Identify the spots where a DEI lens can add value and go for it.

Keep score: Track how your DEI initiatives are shaping up. Are they driving innovation? Boosting engagement? Keep a pulse on the progress and tweak as you go.

Embracing DEI is the rocket fuel that can propel your company to new heights. By weaving it into the fabric of your organisation, you're setting the stage for creative brainstorming, breakthrough innovation, and a vibrant, inclusive culture.

About the author:

Mike Cadden is an IT director and CIO with 25 years’ experience running technology teams and strategic delivery for many leading UK and international retailers.

He is also a member of the RTIH Innovation Awards judging panel.