3D Cloud study: hybrid furniture shopping now dominant path to purchase as AI plays major part Continue reading… Read More Omnichannel retailStaff WriterMarch 7, 20253D Cloud, Furniture shopping, Furniture retailers, Omnichannel retail, AI, 3D technology, Research, Online retail, Stores, RTIH AI in Retail Awards, Webinars, Provoke Insights, Hybrid shoppingComment
Żabka Polska taps AiFi tech as it opens first store combining traditional and autonomous shopping option Continue reading… Read More StoresStaff WriterOctober 30, 2023Żabka Polska, AiFi, Poland, Checkout free stores, Hybrid shopping, Stores, Bricks and mortar retail, Autonomous technologyComment
The six biggest retail technology news stories of the week Retail technologyStaff WriterOctober 7, 2022Walmart, Metaverse, Roblox, Retail technology, Naver, Poshmark, Acquisitions, Made.com, Pinterest, Social commerce, Social media, Gopuff, Rapid delivery, Quick commerce, Daniel Folkman, Brittain Ladd, Target, Prat Vemana, Omnichannel retail, Click and Collect, Barclaycard, Hybrid shoppingComment
Click and Collect economy booms amid rise in hybrid shopping Click and CollectStaff WriterOctober 6, 2022Click and Collect, Hybrid shopping, Omnichannel retail, Online retail, Stores, Online delivery, BarclaycardComment
RTIH presents the retail technology week in numbers Retail technologyStaff WriterJanuary 21, 2022Retail technology, Funding rounds, E-commerce, Grocery delivery, Rapid delivery, Checkout free stores, Acquisitions, Stores, Omnichannel retail, Augmented reality, Mobile retail, Hybrid shoppingComment
IBM research: hybrid shopping booms amid Covid outbreak Hybrid shoppingStaff WriterJanuary 14, 2022IBM, Coronavirus, Hybrid shopping, Stores, Online retail, Sustainable retail, Omnichannel technology, AI, Cloud solutions, Blockchain technologyComment