Customer service king for B2B e-tailers, PushON

B2B e-commerce customers favour high-quality customer service over delivery speed and competitive pricing, according to new research by PushON.

The survey of 1,000 UK consumers found that 52% of business customers would buy from a smaller retailer if they offer a good level of service. Similarly, 40% would do so if they felt the retailer was an expert in its field and could provide specialist advice and support.

The research also highlights that B2B customers value customer service more when buying big ticket items such as computer hardware or furniture – 87% stated this as ‘really important’. “These findings show that for online retailers, customer service is king,” says Sam Rutley, Managing Director at PushON. “This is something we know has always been important for bricks and mortar stores, but evidently is also imperative for e-commerce businesses serving B2B customers.”

“Valued more highly than competitive cost, smaller retailers are presented with an opportunity to compete with online retail giants such as Amazon through a wider offering. Whether it’s implementing a customer portal, a live chat function, or a responsive ‘call now’ button, B2B retailers should continue to listen and respond to the needs of their shoppers to stay ahead of the competition.”

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