Amazon left red faced over Holocaust themed Xmas items
Amazon has pulled Holocaust themed Christmas decorations from sale after the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum flagged the items up on social media.
“Selling ‘Christmas ornaments’ with images of Auschwitz does not seem appropriate. Auschwitz on a bottle opener is rather disturbing and disrespectful. We ask @amazon to remove the items of those suppliers,” it tweeted.
The product description of the items listed them as "the ideal city souvenir" and suggested buyers could "give it to a friend on different occasions as a gift".
Amazon removed the listings, but the museum later discovered further ones, including a mousepad described as the "massacre Auschwitcz Birkenau Jewish death". It also noted that similar products were available on Wish Shopping. “We hope that their reaction will be similar to #Amazon and such project will be quickly removed too,” it stated.
An Amazon spokeswoman said that "all sellers must follow our selling guidelines and those who do not will be subject to action, including potential removal of their account".
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