Appear Here Space for Ideas initiative open for entries

Short-term retail space specialist Appear Here (NYC/UK) has launched its fourth Space for Ideas competition.

Winners will receive two-week flagship store spaces in London, Paris, New York and LA. They will be chosen by a judging panel featuring GQ Editor Dylan Jones, Founder of AKQA Ajaz Ahmed, the Co-Founders of Warby Parker and Harrys, Neil Blumenthal and Jeff Raider, and Diane Von Furstenberg. 

“Decades are defined by culture and ideas that drive them. 2020 isn’t just another year, but a chance for creatives, campaigners, designers and entrepreneurs to think about the mark they want to leave on the world,” says Appear Here Founder Ross Bailey.

“To ask, ‘how am I going to impact the street, the people and the community I live and work in’. Retail is not dying, it’s changing. The 200,000 brands on our platform are looking for space to make their ideas happen, and the next decade will be transformative for retail.”

New for 2020 is the Space for Ideas – Space for Change category. This will be awarded to ideas that have the power to shape the world for the better.

“We all understand that we have a responsibility to the world we live in. We also understand that the idea of ‘doing business’ and ‘doing good’ are not mutually exclusive. As more and more people start to think this way, businesses across the world must reflect that thinking, or risk being left behind,” Bailey comments.

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