Whiteley’s deploys Videcon face covering detection tech

UK-based garden centre, Whiteley’s, has invested in face covering detection technology amid the coronavirus outbreak.

Upon arrival, customers are greeted by an interactive screen displaying customised messages depending on whether they are wearing a face covering or not.

The screen is connected to a camera system at the entrance, powered by deep learning technology, that is taught to identify whether a person in a specific area is wearing a cover over their mouth and nose.

The system – called Covered – was developed by Videcon. Since implementing the technology, Whiteley’s has reported an almost 90% decline in customers refusing to wear face coverings.

This comes in addition to a forecasted saving of approximately £17,000 a year, thanks to management being able to reallocate a member of staff from manning the door, back to their original duties.

Whiteley’s General Manager, Peter Williams comments: “I was very excited to see how our visitors reacted to this new system and I must admit I was overwhelmed with the volume of positive feedback we’ve received from customers and employees respectively since the installation by Videcon.”

“Our customers are feeling safer coming into the centre knowing that we are doing our best to support national efforts to suppress the virus and our employees are very appreciative of the technology removing the confrontational element, asking customers to put on their mask,” he adds.

“In addition to the safety benefits, we have also seen immediate financial gains to our business in the form of an increased number of visitors, and reallocation of the resource.”

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