Honesty the best policy for brand marketing, Trustpilot research

A Trustpilot survey of UK consumers has found that over half now consider a brand’s stance on social, political and environmental issues before buying products or services.

94%, meanwhile, say that a brand’s honesty and transparency is important when it comes to purchasing decisions.

The research also found that those with ‘unfair or harmful practices’ against employees and suppliers are the biggest turn off — with 51% (507) of respondents saying it would make them unlikely to purchase from them. 

Second highest, at 49% (409), was brands which ‘appear to be dishonest or boastful in their marketing’; for example by over-exaggerating their environmental impact by greenwashing and using deadstock fabric

The third highest reason was companies which ‘ignore customer experiences and feedback’.

The survey also asked consumers where they go to find out independent information about a brand’s honesty, including its position on social, political and environmental issues, before making purchasing decisions. 

The top three sources were social media (44%), friends and family (43%), and user-generated reviews websites (43%). In contrast, just 31% of consumers said they would seek out this information from mainstream media such as TV and radio.

Alicia Skubick, Chief Marketing Officer at Trustpilot, says: “While more brands are working to reflect the big issues of the day by adopting ethical stances, this research shows that they need to not just act with purpose, but also with integrity — really understanding and representing the values of the customers they are trying to target.”

“Our research gives brands a roadmap to honesty ensuring they connect to the growing numbers of consumers who want political, environmental, or sociological issues taken seriously.”

She adds: “The reality is, thanks to the growing number of consumers sharing and seeking information from independent sources such as review platforms and social media, brands which aren’t acting with their customers’ values in mind now risk being left behind.”

“These days a business is no longer what it tells you it is, but what the consumers say it is.”