Things Remembered deploys Namogoo customer journey hijacking prevention tech

Things Remembered says that it has seen a 5.15% increase in conversion rates since implementing Namogoo’s machine learning and AI powered customer journey hijacking prevention solution.

Prior to rolling out the technology, 20.82% of visitors to the retailer’s site were affected by injected ads, disrupting their journeys and often driving them to competitors’ sites. 

“Customer journey hijacking prevention has had a remarkable effect on our conversion rates and AOV, which are crucial KPIs for how we evaluate the performance of our site. We saw an immediate improvement by implementing Namogoo’s solution,” says Anthony McLoughlin, Chief Marketing and Growth Officer at Things Remembered.

Chemi Katz, CEO and Co-founder, Namogoo, comments: “Injected ads are intrusive and damaging to brand sites, even though these brands are often unaware these ads exist.”

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