Make an immediately positive first impression with your customers

No matter what business you run, you need to make sure that you are making a good first impression with your customers every time.

Doing this is going to very often be the difference between overall success and failure, so it’s definitely something that you need to spend time looking into.

In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the best and most powerful ways in which you can make an immediately positive first impression with your customers, every time, therefore gaining their respect and building a stronger future for your business.

Clean environment

Whatever the situation is in which you meet your customer, you need to make sure that it is a clean environment. In particular settings the importance of this can be especially felt, such as in the world of retail.

With retail, you are going to find that the way the building premises look is always going to have a huge effect on how the customer sees you and your business.

At a very simple level, this means you need to hire a professional cleaning company to do what they do best, as well as working hard to maintain whatever needs to be maintained in your premises too.

Remember: even small details become picked up by the unconscious, meaning that you should be careful not to overlook any small thing that you might see needs cleaning or fixing.

As long as you keep the environment clean, your customers will have a much stronger positive feeling about your business - possibly without even really knowing why.


Company website

It can be helpful to think of the opportunities that you have to make a good first impression, and to seek out those opportunities rather than merely making use of whatever might come to you.

One such opportunity is the company website; very few businesses can survive or thrive without a website, and you need to make sure that it is managed and maintained in the right way too. But what does this mean in practice?

Generally, you need to build a website which draws people in and makes clear straight away exactly what your brand is and what it represents.

If you can do this right, you will find that it really helps your customers to get a good sense of the business - which can be helpful in such a huge number of ways, including setting a precedent right off the bat for future engagements with your customers.

If you are keen to get this right, you might want to think about hiring a professional web designer. That is easily the very best way to ensure your website delivers exactly as it should, and it means you don’t have to concern yourself with spending too much time or energy on getting it right.

As long as you communicate clearly to the web designer what you want, you should find that it ends up exactly as you want it to. This is going to make a huge difference to how your customers perceive your business.


Dress the part

In any kind of meeting you might have with your customers, clients and so on, you are always going to make a huge difference by ensuring you are dressing the part.

What this means will of course change somewhat depending on a wide number of factors. These include the setting, the nature of the meeting (whether it’s a formal meeting or not, for instance), and what the expectations are in your local culture.

The important thing is that you are dressing as necessary in order to make the right kind of impression on your customers straight away.

As long as you appear how they would expect you to, that is what really matters and what you should aim for in every meeting. If you always look the part, and so do you employees, then that is going to help in the long run.

Answer their calls

In a very essential way, you can dramatically improve how people view your business by ensuring that you are answering their calls - both literally and figuratively.

In the figurative sense, this means that you are available in whatever manner they might need you, whenever they need you. That is going to make an enormous difference to how they see you and your business.

In terms of making that all-important first impression, that is where the literal side of things comes in.

If you are doing your level best to answer the phone swiftly whenever they call in, that is going to make an enormous difference to how positively they see you and your company.

If you want to really make sure you do this right, consider appointing an answering service company to do it for you. That way, there is no way that you will fail to answer when they call.


Be polite

It might sound basic, but it’s something you really need to be aware of: the more polite you manage to be with your customers, the more you are going to get out of them and the sooner you will impress them.

Whether you are talking to them on the phone, by email, or in whatever other way, you need to make sure that you are approaching them with an essential honesty which they are going to really appreciate. That means using the right greetings and generally treating them with great respect at all times.

Make it about them

Good customer service essentially boils down to this: you make it all about the customer, and not at all about you and your business.

If you can do this, you are going to find that they feel a lot more respected, and they are going to feel that the service is so much better all round. The more you make it about them, the better, so make sure you place this at the centre of everything you do from here on out.

With those simple but profound changes, you can really help to keep your customers happy.