Japan’s Kitamura deploys Synchronoss cloud technology

Kitamura, a Japanese retailer offering image related services and products, has selected the Synchronoss Personal Cloud solution for integration into its online and retail channel. 

This will give its customers the ability to back up and manage their digital content, including photos and videos, from any device.

Kitamura has over 1,000 retail locations across Japan with over 20 million paying visitors each year and approximately 10 million consumers registered in its online services. 

“We are excited to be partnering with Synchronoss to integrate its personal cloud solutions across our online and retail channels,” says Hajime Yanagisawa, Managing Executive Officer, Kitamura. 

“We have always been committed to bringing customers’ memories to life through the medium of photography, and this cloud offering is the next step in not only enabling our customers to enjoy their memories but to also store, organise and manage them safely and securely.”

“We’re looking forward to bringing this new service to our customers as we continue our journey towards digitising our offering.”

Anthony Socci, President at Synchronoss International, comments: “This cloud solution will be instrumental to Kitamura as it increases its digital touchpoints and seeks to create new revenue streams beyond its traditional printing and camera retail business.”

“We look forward to collaborating with Kitamura as it brings new, innovative services to its customers.”

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