Finding the difference between being a friend and a boss at work

How can you know if you and your colleagues have achieved a healthy balance in the workplace?

You want to be included in office conversations, invited to office parties, and thought highly of by your staff.

On the other side, you're a business owner who relies on his or her employees to meet or exceed expectations. Which one do you choose, then?

It's not as difficult as you may think to strike a balance between being loved and being respected by your employees, so read up on some strategies for doing just that.

Try to take a more relaxed approach

While getting down to business is essential, employees won't be able to give it their all if they feel stressed out every time they walk through the door.

Help your employees understand what is expected of them by establishing ground rules such as uniforms, no chitchat during phone calls, and no cell phones at desks.

Always be available to talk

While troubles at home should remain at home, it's possible that events outside of work will occasionally affect employees. Employees who have concerns can come to you for advice or assistance if you maintain an open door policy.

Schedule consistent team meetings

You probably attend a lot of meetings as a business owner, but how often do you call a staff meeting?

They're useful for sharing news of successes and failures, giving thanks to employees, and addressing and resolving any concerns that may have arisen among the team.

Below is another great way of becoming the best boss possible and finding the balance in the workplace.

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