Zapp survey: all Brits want for Christmas is better last minute gifts, please

Research by rapid delivery firm Zapp has found that six per cent of people in the UK who celebrate Christmas have forgotten to buy a present for their partner.

Nine per cent, meanwhile, would consider breaking up with their partners if this happened to them.

A YouGov study of 2,288 Brits found that 30% of the UK who celebrate Christmas have forgotten to buy Christmas gifts in the past, with one in five confessing to buying their own present because they do not trust their partner to get organised in time.

The study also found that 28% of those surveyed admit to dashing to the nearest shop on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, with 40% finding the variety of last minute gifts disappointing.

To help remedy this, Zapp has launched a premium Christmas gift shop with a hand curated collection of last minute gifts, including the always popular Fortnum & Mason hampers.

The study also reveals that over half the nation who celebrate Christmas (52%) prefer to use online shopping to buy their Christmas presents, choosing sofa comfort over shopping chaos.

Almost a third of the UK say they have bought a second gift last minute after discovering the first gift they ordered would not arrive on time.

The research also shines a light on the top reasons why people in the UK who celebrate Christmas and have a partner have forgotten to buy them a present in the past: 

  1. Found it hard to get organised on time (six per cent)

  2. Missed the last Christmas delivery slot (three per cent)

  3. Were too busy working over the festive period (five per cent)

  4. Left present buying until the last minute, then ran out of time (five per cent)

  5. Forgot what their partner wanted (two per cent)

In a last minute panic, 35% of those surveyed who celebrate Christmas admit to purchasing gifts they regret due to lack of choice.

Steve O’Hear, SVP of Strategy at Zapp, comments: “We all know our lives get increasingly busy around Christmas, which can sometimes make gift buying a challenge, whether that be a last minute present for a loved one or ordering the Christmas Day Champagne in time.”

“But now, thanks to new research from Zapp and YouGov, we can understand the nation’s gift buying habits more clearly, which is why Zapp is on hand this Christmas to deliver last minute premium and luxury gifts, including on Christmas Day, 24/7.”

To order premium and luxury Christmas gifts for delivery in minutes 24/7, download the Zapp app on iOS or Android. There is a standard delivery fee of £2.99 per order and, for orders over £30, said fee is waived.