How retailers can improve health and safety in the workplace - top tips and strategies

Health and safety in the workplace are critical issues for all UK retailers.

In the UK, over 26 million working days are lost annually due to workplace-related accidents and injuries, costing the UK economy over £18 billion yearly.

Employers must take the necessary steps to ensure their employees are safe, healthy and productive in the ever-changing retail industry landscape.

As an employer, reducing workplace accidents in retail is a legal requirement and beneficial to both employers and employees. Read on to learn more about how to improve workplace safety in retail.

Implement safety protocols

Before you start to improve health and safety in the workplace, it's essential to understand the potential hazards within your business.

To identify hazards, you can complete a hazard identification and risk assessment. Hazard identification is a systematic process which involves interviewing employees, observing their working practices, and reviewing company policies and procedures.

A risk assessment looks at the likelihood that an incident will occur and the consequences of that incident. It involves selecting hazards, determining the probability that they will happen, and the potential impact's severity.

You can implement appropriate safety protocols directly relating to your business premises and activities. Getting advice and health and safety support from experts can help to put together an effective safety protocol everyone can adhere to in the workplace. 

Provide adequate training

Practical training is crucial to improve workplace health and safety and ensure employees follow safety protocols. Providing employees with adequate training and support can help them become better at their specific roles and also help them feel more confident in the workplace.

For example, providing training on how to use a lifting device can help employees feel more comfortable lifting heavy objects. Training can take many forms, including one-on-one sessions, group classes, online resources, and more.

Training can be targeted primarily towards new employees, but it should also be provided to all existing staff members on an ongoing and consistent basis. 

Provide safety equipment and tools

All retailers should provide the necessary equipment and tools to help employees do their job safely.

This can include everything from first aid kits to using the right tools to open boxes and packing without hurting themselves, to tools and equipment employees need to complete their job, e.g. step ladders to reach high shelves, and hi-vis jackets and hard harts if they need to enter a storeroom or warehouse with machinery.

Retailers should regularly review all equipment and tools to ensure they're in good condition and safe to use. All equipment that's too old or not in good condition should be replaced with new, safe equipment. 

Risk assessments

In addition to implementing safety protocols and providing adequate training, you can improve health and safety in the workplace by conducting regular risk assessments. This is a process in which you examine specific areas or aspects of your business to determine whether they pose any potential hazards.

Once you've identified these hazards, you can take the necessary steps to reduce or eliminate them.

Risk assessments are essential for all businesses - including retail businesses. They can help you better understand how to improve health and safety in the workplace on an ongoing basis. 


Retailers have always been essential to society and the economy, but they have recently faced a few challenges. Health and safety in the workplace are one of those challenges.

To overcome it and provide a safe working environment for employees and customers, retailers need to take the necessary steps to improve health and safety in the workplace.