- US shoppers not willing to fork out for rapid delivery

Less than 2% of US adults are willing to pay a premium fee for ultrafast delivery, according to research by

Based on a survey of around 1,000 US shoppers, the company’s report found that 57.5% of people are not willing to pay a premium fee for quick commerce.

A significant percentage of the consumer base does, however, engage with online shopping, meaning that grocery retailers need to continue to invest heavily in optimising delivery and fulfilment.

26.9% of Americans say that they are more likely to use online delivery platforms more frequently if the user experience was improved.

Moreover, 22% believe the greatest inconvenience when using an online grocery delivery platform is items being out of stock.

Retailers can address consumers’ concerns around this issue by introducing more sophisticated picking applications that enable stores and MFCs to identify appropriate replacements in real-time.

In addition, 58.2% of those surveyed agree that there is value in keeping small, local grocers functioning.

“Grocery shopping is undergoing an era-defining transition. During the pandemic, the widespread lockdowns and health concerns prompted many consumers to switch to online shopping,” says Mendel Gniwisch, CEO at

“In an age of instant gratification, there is a common misconception that shoppers crave speedy deliveries; instead, this report has demonstrated that customers prioritise fulfilment.”

“Grocery retailers today need to focus on the convenience and simplicity that characterise online shopping at its best, and fuse these characteristics with the experiential peaks of in-store shopping, especially at local establishments.”

“Simultaneously, retailers need to find ways to implement this hybrid offering to boost their bottom lines and secure a profitable future for their business.”