How to use technology to improve employee wellbeing in 2023

If you’re looking to improve your employee well being, it’s something that you’ll want to be proactive about. Technology is a great tool to use alongside your goals to improve well being in general and to ensure your employees continue to thrive in their roles and in life.

As a business owner or manager of a team, the more time you can dedicate to your employees’ well being, the bigger the payoff moving forward. Here are some top tips on how to use technology to improve things in 2023.

Use collaborative platforms to improve workload levels

It’s important to make use of technology that encourages and pushes for collaboration.

As a business, the collaborative process that goes on between your employees is essential. Without excellence in collaboration, you’ll end up with missed deadlines, and that can hinder your sales performance.

There are lots of great collaborative platforms and tools to improve workload levels and to ensure everyone is pulling their equal weight. There’s nothing worse than having certain members of staff, slacking off and leaving it for others to deal with.

Invest in communication tools to keep employees in the loop

Communication tools are important to have as part of the company’s toolkit and are a great addition when it comes to your business’ use of technology.

With the right communication tools in place, employees can express their concerns, discuss tasks with other peers in real-time, and just have a general sense of connection. That’s something that surprisingly can go unaddressed in a business.

Consider what tools need to be brought in to help improve communications amongst staff and any outsourced staff or clients they’re working with outside of the company walls.

Conduct health screenings

Health screenings are definitely useful to have when it comes to your employee wellbeing and technology has developed substantially over the year.

That development is helping spot underlying conditions and problems that employees may encounter. As a result, action can be taken sooner, rather than letting it lead to sick days off work.

A corporate health screening is worth putting in place every year or perhaps even bi-annually, to ensure staff health is always a priority.

Implement a rewards and recognition system

A rewards and recognition system is worthwhile to invest in, especially as staff need to feel appreciated and valued in the workplace.

These platforms are great for showcasing the work of staff members to other peers, as well as offering personal rewards for those that are exceeding expectations within the company.

Provide hybrid or remote working opportunities

Finally, technology has changed the business landscape in many ways and it’s been aided perhaps prematurely by a year or two, with the appearance of Covid.

Nowadays, a lot of businesses are operating a hybrid working model or a remote working situation. Either way is a great opportunity for your company to focus on providing better well-being to your staff.

Using technology has become imperative for many businesses, so make sure you use these tips to help with your own employee well-being this year.