Increase workplace wellness with practical strategies

The 21st century is a trying time for all generations. From baby boomers to millennials and everyone in between, the future presents unknown, vast, and intimidating opportunities. Thanks to our ever changing and progressive workplace culture, corporate wellness has become a front of mind concern in the modern workplace for all industries.

The concern for the health and well-being of all workers is evident in many companies that have now implemented corporate wellness programmes into their everyday policies.

These programmes are designed to reduce employee absenteeism, promote higher employee engagement, and improve overall company culture.

These corporate wellness programmes show outstanding results for businesses worldwide when planned and implemented thoroughly.

Comprehensive wellness programmes

To pursue employee wellness and overall workplace satisfaction, businesses seek comprehensive wellness programmes that align with company values and meet their employee well being goals.

Successful wellness programmes typically include an arrangement of focus areas related to physical health, mental well being, and work-life balance.

Here are just some of the wellness programmes you can implement to improve employee well-being in your industry:

Regular health assessments provided by the business

(skin checks, ergonomic assessments, mental health surveys, fitness challenges, flu vaccinations)

Mental health days

Encourage staff to take a day of leave (sick, unpaid or annual) as a day to work on their mental health away from the office. Studies show that changing workplaces are adding to mental stress, so it's crucial to provide staff with a mentally healthy workplace.

Flexible working arrangements

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, employees have more than proven their capability to work from home and get the job done. Offer flexible work-from-home arrangements where possible so your employees can have a healthy work-life balance.

Physical health and hydration

Physical health and hydration are key aspects of maintaining high energy levels and focus among employees.

Although caffeine provides a quick burst of energy, staying hydrated with water can improve cognitive function, mood, and overall physical health all day.

This, in turn, improves employee productivity, reduces fatigue, and even enhances the ability to handle stress better - making hydration an essential element of physical health.

Businesses can address physical health and well-being by providing employees with wellness tools that encourage healthy habits.

As well as implementing comprehensive wellness programs, consider making them more achievable by introducing simple and useful tools, like custom water bottles, to help employees achieve their wellness goals.

Drink bottles as a wellness tool

Did you know that most Australians don't drink enough water? Around 80% of Australians suffer chronic dehydration every day. Dehydration negatively impacts health and performance in the workplace, so it's important to encourage employees to drink water regularly. 

Encourage employees to drink more water, effectively reaching wellness goals by providing custom water bottles. Personalised drink bottles are a convenient promotional product and act as a constant reminder to stay hydrated.

Branding drink bottles with your company logo also reinforces a sense of belonging, promotes corporate identity, and gives the business organic exposure.

Implementing a hydration initiative

While supplying branded drink bottles to employees is a great start to achieving health and wellness goals within the organisation, there are other initiatives businesses can execute to accomplish physical health goals in the workplace.

Set up hydration stations

Designate areas in the office or worksite where individuals can easily access and refill water bottles. Hydration stations should be a convenient and accessible source of clean and fresh water.

Hydration stations in the workplace often feature water dispensers or fountains equipped with filters for improved water quality.

Incorporate hydration reminders

Sometimes, people forget to drink water during the day. When we're so focused on our work or the task at hand, drinking water becomes the last thing on our minds. To avoid this and to encourage hydration within the workplace, incorporate reminders in and around the office or worksite.

●      Intranet pop-ups

●      Digital screen reminders

●      Email signatures or daily automated emails

●      Posters

●      Daily calendar reminder alerts

●      Wellness newsletters

●      Hydration awareness week/month

Healthy hydration challenges and competitions

Nothing incentivises action like a little healthy competition and rewards. Organise fun hydration challenges with rewards for participation and winners.

Here are some examples:

●      Have employees set personal hydration goals and recognise and reward them for their achievements

●      Team hydration relays (set safety rules and guidelines)

●      Hydration bingo

●      Hydration pledge board

●      Hydration recipe challenge

Measuring the impact

You won't know if your hydration and wellness programmes are working if you don't measure them. Provide weekly or monthly employee surveys and implement productivity metrics to gauge the effectiveness of your wellness initiatives.  

Work to continually improve and adapt your workplace wellness strategies based on the measured results of the productivity metrics and surveys.

Prioritising employee health and well-being through initiatives such as hydration and wellness programmes shows a level of commitment to the business's overall success. With healthy and happy employees, success can be achieved.

By increasing workplace wellness with practical strategies, businesses can proactively address the central connection between employee well-being and corporate goals.