Here’s why it’s time to debunk some of the myths surrounding physical store digitisation and digital shelf labels

It’s time to celebrate innovative/digital advances instead of overshadowing them with unfounded criticism.

So says Andreas Kranabitl, Managing Director at SPAR ICS - Information & Communication Services.

In a LinkedIn post, he said: “It's time to debunk some of the myths surrounding our digital shelf labels (ESL).”

“The recent claims that ESL would introduce dynamic pricing in the shortest possible time are not only false, but also misleading and annoy me.”

He added: “Our pricing policy is and will remain constant. The introduction of ESL is a step towards greater efficiency, not changing or rising prices.”

“Dynamic pricing is not on our agenda. It is simply not practical in the food retail sector and contradicts our understanding of customer service. Populist criticism does not help anyone.”

“We rely on an objective exchange and would like to see a positive mindset for digitisation topics.”


He concluded: “It is high time to shed light on the positive sides of digitisation in general and ESL in particular: our customers enjoy price transparency and price security. Our employees are freed from the burden of having to replace paper labels.”

“So guys – one request, face the facts and see and celebrate the benefits that digitisation brings, and don't paint everything black.”


Store digitalisation is a key focus area for the sixth edition of the RTIH Innovation Awards, which is now open for entries.

The awards, sponsored by CADS, 3D Cloud, and Retail Technology Show 2025, celebrate global tech innovation in a fast moving omnichannel world.

It’s free to enter and you can do so across multiple categories.

Key 2024 dates

Friday, 25th October: Award entry deadline 

Tuesday, 29th October: 2024 shortlist revealed

30th October-6th November: Judging days

Thursday, 21st November: Winners announced at the 2024 RTIH Innovation Awards ceremony, to be held at RIBA’s 66 Portland Place HQ in Central London.