How can SMEs actually improve during the second lockdown?

The second lockdown has now officially started. And businesses up and down the country are set to face the problems experienced throughout the first.

Given the time of the year, companies can expect to encounter a range of fresh challenges too. However, firms that are equipped with a winning plan of action won't only survive. They'll thrive.

So, what features should be included in that strategy? While every business should find its own path to success, the recipe for success is likely to include the following ingredients.

Increased customer clarity

Customer care is an essential feature of any business model. Yet it carries an even greater importance when face-to-face interactions aren't possible. Current clients and prospective leads deserve transparency at all stages of the consumer journey.

Brands that offer clarity and quick answers will stand the best shot at success in this tough time. Crucially, the upgraded customer support is something that delivers long-term rewards.

When the doors to your shop are locked, online interactions are likely to be the main source of care as well as sales. The younger generations are shown to be more comfortable with screen conversations rather than talking on the phone.

Therefore, you may be looking to add web chat to your site for added convenience. The best software allows colleagues to pick up the conversations, which inspires a better level of consistency.

Consumers and B2B clients alike enjoy the ability to gain answers quickly and through self-discovery. Therefore, the live chat systems can be supported further by FAQ pages or a forum for customers to discuss issues with each other.

It is particularly useful for companies that sell tech services as products. Creating useful content ranging from manuals to insightful guides can turn the site's blog into a fantastic tool too.

Reduced financial waste

Whatever changes are made to the business operations, most companies will see reduced sales. While the festive period may increase the revenue compared to the first lockdown, the figures will be smaller than this time last year.

There is only way SMEs like yours can compensate for the reduced income, and that's to balance the books with low overheads. Nonetheless, balancing the books cannot come to the detriment of productivity or quality.

The key, then, is to remove as much financial waste as possible. You may feel that your business is efficient, but all firms will see surprising results if they conduct an audit. The most common cutbacks include changing suppliers of electricity, insurance, and services. Especially those that don't impact the products.

Meanwhile, losing unnecessary travel and team meetings are great examples that save time as well as money.


Given that the workspaces are already in a state of transition, this is an ideal opportunity to consider building upgrades. Eco-friendly additions will cut down on utility bills and the carbon footprint to pay for themselves in no time.

The prospect of using automated tech and AI can boost efficiency in manufacturing, order fulfilment and more. A new approach to recruitment and employee management can also cut expenses without disrupting your output.

Improved online services

A greater percentage of transactions will now be conducted via online sessions than ever before. So, businesses must go the extra mile to ensure this part of the process runs smoothly. For starters, it's essential that the company's online content can actually be seen.

Choosing a web host that can handle the increased traffic is as important as finding the right web design. Likewise, social media integrations and SEO should be at the desired standards.

Fast loading times, easy navigation, and a clear sales funnel that encourages a quick path to conversion are all key features. However, companies that end their commitment at the point of sale will face big problems going forward.

Order fulfilment is equally crucial, which is why you must not ignore the need to partner with a better packaging supplier. Similarly, a courier that offers quick and reliable deliveries should be high on the agenda. 

It is abundantly clear that the trend of increased online sales is set to continue into 2021 and beyond. Many audiences that had resisted the benefits of online shopping have been forced to embrace its potential due to Covid-19.

Now that they are comfortable and confident in using the modern transactions, they will continue to use it for the long haul. So, upgrades in this aspect will bring long-term benefits.

Focus on loyalty

Most companies will find that the assignment of winning new clients is very tough at this time. Even if your brand is supported by testimonials and reviews, new leads may wait until after the lockdown to make a purchase.

This is particularly true when dealing with local demographics as members of it will want to verify the trustworthiness of the brand. Any company expecting to see fewer new signups over the coming months must retain their current ones.

Various studies show that reselling to a past client is easier than converting a new one. As such, finding ways to install remarketing strategies should be a key aspect of lockdown management. The fact that you already have the client's details, as well as insight into their consumer habits, is key.

It should make it a lot easier to promote the right products. Meanwhile, timed promotions will force them to make a choice one way or the other.

Building a loyal fanbase won't only improve the company's fate in the lockdown period. It is an outcome that will help guide all future marketing endeavours while the clients can then be asked for their opinions too.

When those answers are used to help create the company that customers want to see, it will translate to more frequent purchases. And at bigger transaction values. 


Increased protection

Building and maintaining a successful business is hard work even without worrying about dangers. Unfortunately, in addition to the array of uncertainties, Covid-19 has put brands in big danger.

Thieves, fraudsters, and cybercriminals are looking to take advantage of the situation. Business premises may be closed while workers using remote systems may not use the same level of security as they would at the office.

Given that cyber attacks already occur every minute, the heightened risk cannot be ignored. When remote working is set to play a central role in the venture for some time, outsourced IT is vital. The ongoing overseeing will identify and minimise any damage.

Employees should also be taught about the latest scams doing the rounds. As for physical settings, payment data must be protected. Advanced CCTV and alarms are needed too.

The benefits of increased protection aren't limited to the lockdown weeks either. A safer business can protect your bottom line while also promoting peace of mind. If the company is using contractors and remote freelancers, it will also be necessary to protect intellectual data.

Introducing non-disclosure agreements is the perfect way to make this happen. Moreover, if you do need to combat wrongdoing, your position will be clear and uncontested.

Team unity

Now more than ever, the value of great employees has the ability to dictate how the company will perform. Companies that get it right won't only stand the best shot at success over the month-long lockdown.

It will also set the strongest platform ahead of the festive period and moving into 2021. Developing individuals is one thing. Still, the fact of the matter is that true success comes from cultivating a better culture.  

Teamwork makes the dream work. Even when teams are spread out due to the pandemic, you must try to make them feel comfortable with each other. Team messaging apps can encourage strong friendships while also discussing key business matters.

Meanwhile, group activities ranging from charity fundraising to fitness competitions are ideal. Many of the features can be used to support your branding in the immediate and long-term future. 


Further ideas can include interactive team training that allows all staff members to have the same info or using a staff uniform. When supported by a strong employer-employee bond that is fair on all employees, the team will become stronger. This produces a better workflow and client interactions. The results won't go unnoticed by consumers and will influence their decisions during and after the lockdown.

Increased direction

Right now, simply surviving would constitute success. However, if you're not moving forward in business, you're moving backwards. That still rings true in spite of the unprecedented situation.

So, with many aspects of the venture looking a little less hectic than usual, this is a time to review things. In turn, your analysis can be used to set new goals and, crucially, plot the process of hitting each of the targets.

Few things in business are as damaging to your future as wasted time and hesitance. While analytics are vital, you also need to place trust in your gut instincts. Otherwise, the opportunities will pass you by before you've even got the ideas off the ground.

The lockdown period will also allow you to revisit current habits to see whether any aspects can be lost. If it doesn't boost your bottom line or satisfy obligations, strategies can be lost.

Throughout the lockdown, it's vital that the right steps are taken to ensure the company doesn't sink. But when one eye remains on future challenges, you'll come out of it in a far stronger position.