Danube Home deploys Netcore omnichannel tech

UAE omnichannel retailer, Danube Home, has rolled out Netcore Solutions’ AI powered marketing automation platform.

The home interior brand launched its new online shopping platform during the coronavirus pandemic.

It says that Netcore's platform will help tie together the offline and online behaviour of customers. This will enable Danube Home to deliver personalised campaigns across all customer touchpoints.

Syed Habib, General Manager, Danube Homes, comments, "Retail is ushering in the next wave of customer engagement, and we believe that delivering consistent omnichannel campaigns is the secret sauce for any successful engagement and retention strategy."

“With Netcore, we aim to understand the user journey, find ways to drive engagement and identify opportunities to cross-sell and upsell. We hope to astronomically scale our online user growth and retention."

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