Gaia Herbs taps Emarsys customer engagement tools

Natural herbs product brand Gaia Herbs has announced a new partnership with Emarsys.

The latter will provide customer engagement and data analytics tools that, according to a press release, will “act as the lynchpin of the Gaia Herbs’ marketing tech stack, as part of its three-year plan for growth, establishing best practice within the business.”

Emarsys replaces the current provider Klaviyo and the company will also be taking on email responsibilities for other brands that Gaia Herbs distributes, including the Floradix line of herbal products and dietary supplements.

Data from these third-party distributions will be captured within the same platform, tackling the problems inherent in siloed data structures.

Brian Best, Director of Digital Marketing and E-ccommerce, Gaia Herbs, says: “We’re trying to build the best state of play possible from a tech stack perspective, using data to drive what we do.”

“The Emarsys team has been amazing, and we are embracing the new technologies at our disposal, feeling confident that they will help us achieve our goals.”

Sara Richter, CMO, Emarsys, comments: “Gaia Herbs has recognised that in a post-Covid world, it’s more important to throw the right technologies at the problem rather than more manpower.”

“The company has an ambitious target for the next three years with double digit growth, and predictable, profitable results are fundamental to achieving that.”

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