Jumbo close to completing Hanshow electronic shelf labels roll-out in 700 stores

Jumbo, the second largest supermarket chain in the Netherlands which also has stores in Belgium, has announced an exclusive electronic shelf labels partnership with Hanshow.

The retailer currently owns more than 700 stores in the Netherlands and Belgium.

To date, Hanshow’s solutions have been rolled out in over 250 locations. Jumbo will soon have upgraded all 700, with over 11 million Hanshow electronic price tags installed.

“The unique Jumbo formula revolves around a large assortment with the best service at low prices. Correct prices on the shelf and the ability to react quickly and efficiently to market developments are essential for this. The technology of Hanshow contributes to this,” a spokesperson for Jumbo says.

Powering the systems management of this large amount of ESL is made possible by adopting the Hanshow SaaS solution via Microsoft Azure.

Benefits for Jumbo include reducing costs spent on infrastructure and servers, and if needed the Hanshow technical support team is capable of helping resolve technical issues much faster.

Hanshow also says that its PriSmart ESL and IoT device management system allows Jumbo to get the systems up and running sooner and the ability to manage and update its pricing network in a faster, more secure, and more accessible way.

“Our solutions can drive sustainability, improve efficiency, eliminate waste, and create new opportunities for Jumbo stores,” says Sally Liang, General Manager of Europe, Hanshow.

“This is an exciting era for retail, and we’re proud to be partnering with a company like Jumbo that is committed to improving its customer experience and operational efficiency through digital retail transformation.”