Five essential tips for growth on Instagram in 2022

It's no secret that Instagram is among the most popular social media platforms. What may be a secret to some is how to make the most of your account and grow your following.

Whether you're just starting on Instagram or you've been using it for a while but want to see better results, check out these five essential tips for growth on Instagram in 2022.

By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to having a successful and engaging account.

Increase engagement

Of all the things you should do if you want to grow an Instagram account in 2022, the first is to focus on increasing the levels of engagement that your account receives.

The level of engagement an account receives is one of the most important factors according to the Instagram algorithm and will decide whether your account will grow.

You can increase engagement in many ways, such as using call-to-action phrases in your content to inspire comments, especially Reels, since they are shown to people who are not yet your followers.

Actually, likes on Reels are an aspect of improving engagement on Instagram, which definitely shouldn't be overlooked. You can check out UseViral to purchase likes for Instagram Reels. You could also reply to the comments of other users and comment on the posts of other users.

Post within a niche

The next tip on this list to increase the growth of your Instagram account would be to post within a niche.

They own many niches on Instagram, such as parenting, sports, health, fashion, beauty, fitness, animals, art, and more. Posting within a niche is a great way to grow your Instagram account because you are focusing on a specific audience.

If you truly want to see growth on Instagram, you should have a niche within a niche. If you were to take sports, for example, there are a lot of angles from which you can post about.

You could post the latest news regarding athletes, sports memes, predictions for upcoming matches or games, best plays in a specific sport, etc.

Use hashtags wisely

One of the most important things you should do to see your Instagram account grow in 2022 would be to use hashtags wisely.

Hashtags are a great way for users to find new content or content they are looking for, so including hashtags with your posts makes it easier for your posts to be discovered.

Having said that, it’s very important that you use relevant hashtags. For example, if you are posting within a niche, you need to use hashtags that relate to the content you are creating and the niche you are posting within.

By doing this, you can double your efforts on focusing on a specific audience, which will increase the growth of your account.

Post consistently

If you truly want to grow your account on Instagram, the only way to do that would be to post consistently. How often you post will obviously be determined by how much you want to grow, but it is recommended to post at least two to three times a day.

It’s very important to remember that if you post very often, you must ensure that each post is of the highest quality. People won’t mind seeing your posts again and again on their feeds if the content is of high quality.

However, if you are just spamming content for the sake of posting consistently, you might end up annoying your followers.

Learn about the algorithm

Finally, of all the things you should be doing to grow your account on Instagram in 2022, learning about the Instagram algorithm is one of the most important.

How do you plan on growing on a platform if you don’t know what makes one account successful compared to another?

Many resources available online will teach you exactly how the Instagram algorithm works, and it’ll be worth your time to read through it.

This article covered one aspect, which is increasing the levels of engagement your account receives. Another factor that the Instagram algorithm considers is how relevant your content is to your audience.