How to avoid productivity loss at home and work

Being productive can seem like an elusive endeavour at times. It does not have to be that way. Follow these functional tips to make your day move along more efficiently whether you are at work or home.

Know your local IT services

Data loss is no joke. Having the contact information for a trusted IT company on hand will save you at least a few times in your life. Contact Netwave IT Services when you need expert servicing for your home or office technology needs.

They will help you set up your home office, workplace networks, or personal office. Professional IT personnel can advise you on what you need to meet the intentions of your workspace and help you find the best products and solutions.

A qualified IT services company can provide you with the following services: 

●      Data recovery

●      Data loss prevention

●      Data restoration

●      Power outages

●      Virus, malware, and spyware prevention and remediation

●      Computer upgrades and reformatting

●      Telephone systems

●      Cloud storage solutions

●      Workstation set-up and cable management solutions

Situations like a computer that corrupts your data or a computer that will not turn on lead to a less-than-productive day. Knowing who to contact immediately to solve your IT problems will help protect your valuable time, assets, and information.

Taking a proactive approach in contacting the IT experts before any issues arise will help save you even more time over the long term by protecting your productivity rates in the first place. 

Find a productivity system for your lifestyle

Everyone operates uniquely, and you are no different. It is important for your success to figure out how you can be at your productive best.

Does a paper planner work for you? Are you going to carry it around with you at all times to stay on top of your schedule? If so, great. If not, do not fool yourself into purchasing a beautiful new planner that will only hold you back due to its bulk.

Perhaps a digital calendar that sits inside the smartphone (that you already carry everywhere) will be a better fit for your goals. Once you determine the best approach, embrace it and use it consistently.

Add everything from a 15-minute meditation session in the morning to the latest streaming show you plan to binge next weekend.

Enter work projects and events and include deadlines or actionable goals as calendar events. This way, you have respected your time in addition to maintaining a clear and organised schedule.

Watch this video to learn a productivity system that will work for you.

Embrace the touch it once ethos

Consider this: You receive a piece of physical mail, open it, peruse its contents, and then set it down intending to act on it at a later date.

This happens when you see an email in your inbox, read it, and mark it as unread to deal with it at some point. When you do either of these things, the intended act is still hanging over your head in the form of a task.

For the sake of productivity, it is time to stop that behaviour. Do not make more work for yourself. Employ the touch it once methodology at work and home. When you receive any type of mail, read it and determine whether you can deal with it at that moment.

Perhaps that entails discarding or trashing the mail. Maybe you can file it away as part of your records. If you can take action, such as returning a requested phone call or providing necessary information, do that immediately.

If you are unable to tackle the content right away, place the task on your calendar or to-do list and then move the mail or email into a to-do folder. This way, it is either done or placed elsewhere to keep your inbox or mail tray clear of clutter so you can focus on other necessary items.

Once you have finally completed the task, file the email in a clearly labelled subfolder, file the paper document in a functionally organized filing cabinet, or consider scanning and digitising any content for which you do not need to keep hard copies on hand.

By freeing up extra physical items, it will become easier to conduct a digital search, thus increasing productivity.

Regardless of whether you are working from the comfort of your home, your company’s office space, have personal IT needs or are in the process of moving to a new location, it is crucial to maintain productivity via good IT servicing and connections.

Stay organised, and utilise the technological advances and tools around you to become a more efficient and goal oriented individual in your personal and professional lives.