Tips for improving your marketing strategy In 2024

While it feels like 2023 has only just got into full swing, the reality is that the end of the year is creeping round fast and before we know it 2024 will be here.

While there are still a few months to go, it’s important that you get your strategies in place and put your business in the best stead for success.

If you are looking to grow more leads, pull in more clients and just have a better idea of where your business is going, you need to focus on your marketing strategy. Marketing is the crux that will get your new clients and help your business to grow.

Whether it is something you already focus on and just need a plan for the new year or if it’s something you’ve never really focused on, there’s no time like now to get a strategy together. Keep on reading for some top tips for improving your marketing strategy in 2024.

Why is marketing so important?

Marketing is a pivotal strategy for any business and this is for a multitude of reasons. This includes:

It improves the visibility of your brand - Getting your brand seen is so important, if people don’t know about your brand, they won’t shop with you. A good marketing strategy will get you noticed.

It helps you to retain your existing customers - Even existing customers can be tempted elsewhere if you don’t keep in touch with them. Marketing such as member discounts and newsletters help to keep you in the forefront of their minds and ensure they don’t stray to other companies.

It enables your business to grow - If you aren’t growing you’re going backwards. Marketing means you can attract new business and grow to new heights, making more sales and just generally building up your customer base. 

It keeps you relevant - When running a business you want to be as relevant as possible, getting ahead of the competition. Running marketing campaigns means you can show you’re still in the forefront of the industry.

It enables you to tap onto current trends - Marketing enables you to tap into trends and events as they happen, reaching out to customers that you might not find otherwise.

What are some top tips for improving your marketing strategy in 2024?

Improving your marketing strategy is important for you to reap all of the benefits mentioned above.

Whether you are doing some of these things already or are looking to start from scratch, they are sure to make a big difference to the way you conduct your business.

Do your market research

When you are advertising to potential clients and customers it has never been so important to be reaching the relevant people.

Putting out a general campaign isn’t enough anymore, instead you need to target them properly, tailoring your campaigns to suit those that you are aiming at. One of the best ways to do this is through market research.

You can use computer assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS) to help analyse collected data from qualitative methods and ensure you get your campaigns seen by the right people. This personalised approach will be much better at targeting the right audience.  

Set clear goals

It’s important to sit down as a business and decipher what you wish to achieve through your marketing efforts. Are you looking to get more views to your website? Do you want to improve the number of key words that you rank for? Or do you want to make more sales?

It’s a good idea to have a rough number in mind to aim for so that those in the relevant teams can push to achieve these goals. Remember they should be aspirational but also achievable. Setting numbers that are completely unrealistic can do more harm than good and be very unmotivating for the team. 

Create content designed to engage

When it comes to creating your marketing content, you want campaigns that are going to catch the eyes of potential and existing customers. This means tailoring it to their interests and coupling captivating imagery with well written words.

You also want to try and be as creative as you can if you are doing campaigns as these can get picked up by the press and social media, thus getting you seen by even greater numbers of people.  

Focus on collaboration

Collaboration is key and is something you should focus on with your marketing. You can work together with local companies on innovative, collaborative projects, getting yourselves seen by both audiences. You could also try working together with local influencers and the press.

These are both great ways to get your product and your business seen by different audiences and can open new customers to you who might not have shopped with you otherwise.  

Focus on your SEO

Search engine optimisation is something that needs to be done right from the core of your website. You need to ensure your pages are optimised for the best page speed and that the site is designed with user experience in mind.

Have a blog where you regularly add new content and focus on evergreen content as well as new pieces too. You should also look to focus on specific key words that you want to rank for, so do plenty of keyword research. You can hire external SEO companies to help you with your strategy or do it yourself.

These are just a few top tips for improving your marketing strategy in 2024 that are sure to make it a lot easier to bring in new clients and retain your existing ones.

Marketing isn’t something that can just be thought up on the spot (though some of the best campaigns do happen like that) You need to have a long-term and short-term plan, goals you want to achieve and a strategy for how you are going to do this.

What are some top tips you have for improving your marketing strategy in 2024? Let us know in the comments below, we would love to hear from you.