Polytag serves up on-pack QR codes with new Blighty Booch Kombucha partnership

Polytag has announced a partnership with Conway Kombucha, producers of Blighty Booch, that aims to help the drinks brand increase direct-to-consumer sales and enhance communication with customers through a QR code solution.

From October, Blighty Booch will feature Polytag’s GS1 approved QR codes on labels across its range.

These are applied as part of a standard digital printing process using SCREEN technology at Limpet Labels, Wrexham. Once scanned, the QR codes take consumers to customisable, branded landing pages, developed using a tool on the Blighty Booch dashboard.

Through said dashboard, hosted on the Polytag platform, Blighty Booch can tailor messages to different consumer groups or by range, which can be updated or amended at any time.

By scanning a tag, the brand can provide consumers with facts about the product’s myriad health benefits, information on its naturally fermented Kombucha, latest offers, recycling advice or even drive them straight to Blighty Booch’s online shop.

The partnership will also provide Blighty Booch with access to consumer insights that can be used to shape future marketing strategies.

Polytag’s platform will deliver information on consumption patterns and regional sales data, based on where every QR code is scanned and how customers interact with the brand after purchasing a product.

Polytag Blighty Booch

Mark Pavey, Director at Blighty Booch, says: "We are thrilled to join forces with Polytag and benefit from its exciting technology.”

“Doing so not only provides our consumers with detailed product information straight to their phones, but it also gives us an additional direct-to-consumer sales and marketing channel that we didn’t have access to before.”

“The unique every time QR codes really are a fantastic innovation and have the potential to revolutionise the way brands are brought to life for consumers. We are really looking forward to seeing how they complement our other marketing efforts.”

Alice Rackley, CEO at Polytag, says: “We believe in the power of collaboration to drive meaningful change. By working closely with Blighty Booch to understand the company’s challenges, we have been able to help them open up a whole new marketing channel thanks to our unique every time QR codes.”

“Not only will the codes provide Blighty Booch with an opportunity to communicate directly with consumers about their products, ingredients, health benefits and more, but they will also enable the company – via the easy- to construct bespoke landing page – to send consumers straight to their online shop. It really is a win-win process for both businesses and their customers.”  

Nathan Williams, Operations Manager, at Limpet Labels, comments: “By partnering with Polytag, we are able to offer our customer Blighty Booch an innovative QR code solution that offers valuable marketing and sustainable insights on their products.”

“What's more, this solution is incredibly easy to integrate and required minimum input from the customer. We look forward to offering this exciting solution to more businesses in the near future.”