CARTO helps Asda understand key drivers for selecting parcel location services sites

Doorda has been chosen by CARTO, a cloud native location intelligence platform, as a geospatial data partner.

The latter has incorporated Doorda’s UK geodemographic data into its Data Observatory offering.

Luis Sanz, CEO at CARTO, says: “Doorda has a vast array of detailed data which is easy for us to integrate into our data platform.”

“When we offer our customers access not only to technology, but also to third party datasets, we see our relevance, engagement and stickiness with that client increase considerably.” 

Asda is among the companies to leverage Doorda data in CARTO to expand its “toyou” parcel services.

The grocery giant uses location data and insights to understand the key drivers for site selections of new Click and Collect locations, as well as to better target important demographic and socioeconomic segments.

Neil Drake, Senior Manager Parcel Service & Format Development, Asda, said in a recent webinar: “In a competitive landscape we need to be smart about where we place lockers across our estate, ensuring we land in the catchment areas of our target demographics.”

“CARTO has made this a much easier process, both in terms of data and their professional services team.”

Sanz comments: “It’s great working with Doorda, they are so knowledgeable about the data. The acceleration in time to value for CARTO customers is a clear win-win.”

Clifford McDowell, CEO at Doorda, says: “We are delighted to be supporting CARTO and its end customers by giving them faster, streamlined access to a unique vision of UK geodemographic data, delivered through a cloud-based platform to help improve model performance and ultimately business outcomes.”