McDonald’s taps Food Drop platform for surplus food delivery initiative

McDonald’s has partnered with tech platform Food Drop to distribute food from its restaurants (now closed due to the coronavirus outbreak) to food banks and charities across the UK and Ireland. 

Prior to shutting up shop, the retailer had closed its seating areas whilst continuing to offer takeaway and drive thru services.  It quickly became clear, however, that “maintaining safe social distancing whilst operating busy takeaway and drive thru restaurants was increasingly difficult,” Paul Pomroy, CEO, McDonald’s UK & Ireland, said in an email to customers.

“The most socially responsible thing we could do to protect our crew, drivers and our customers,” Karl Boyce, Director of Digital, said in a LinkedIn post. 

“We will use this time to support our restaurant teams, reflect and bring all our brilliant talent together to think big, so when it is safe to push open doors and start our digital channels back up, we are even better. Be ready.”

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