Perry Ellis taps HotWax Commerce omnichannel order management solution for Shopify

Perry Ellis International, a designer and distributor of men's and women's apparel, accessories, fragrances, and select children's apparel, has deployed HotWax Commerce's Buy Online Pick Up In-Store (BOPIS), and Ship From Store solutions to launch its omnichannel fulfilment initiatives.

With approximately 70 stores, Perry Ellis uses Shopify and XStore as its e-commerce and PoS systems.

It intended to use stores as fulfilment centres to offer same-day BOPIS. Perry Ellis was trying to offer functionality that was not available within Shopify’s native local pick up solution; however, HotWax was able to enable the advanced omnichannel experiences that customers expect.

Its solution provides Perry Ellis with the following features: shows real-time inventory availability at stores on the product detail page of Shopify e-commerce platform; shoppers can choose their preferred store as the pickup location and save it, eliminating the need to select a pickup location again and again.

They can select a store and view merchandise specific to that store on the product listing page of the Shopify e-commerce platform; they can search for pickup locations by zip code or city.

Perry Ellis also partnered with Shipt to offer same-day delivery to customers.

Perry Ellis HotWax Commerce Shopify

HotWax Commerce’s Ship From Store solution provides the following features:

Shows if items can be delivered same-day on shopping cart based on parameters like customer’s zip code, store operating hours, time taken by store to prepare the order, and store’s pickup deadlines; automatically applies expected delivery date to the order based on the selected fulfillment method.

Confirms delivery date of order with Shipt, enabling Perry Ellis to notify customers of the actual expected ship date if it differs from what they requested; updates customers about order fulfilment status from store pick-up to delivery by getting information from Shipt’s system; the store fulfillment app for store associates can be embedded in XStore for accurate and fast order fulfilment.

“We decided to go with HotWax Commerce after assessing various solutions. On top of the company’s proven track record of working with Shopify retailers, the solutions can be implemented at a pace that aligns with the unique needs of our brands,” says Raymond Conesa, VP of E-commerce Operations, Perry Ellis International.

“We are thrilled to partner with Perry Ellis to help them leverage their store network as fulfillment centres to fulfill online orders at lightning fast delivery speed and reduced shipping costs,” says Anil Patel, CEO at HotWax Commerce.

“Our user-friendly applications and headless APIs are a perfect fit for the brand's needs, and we are confident that our solutions will enable Perry Ellis to sell more products and deliver them quickly."