B2B retailing in 2024 - trends to watch out for

B2B retail can seem like a rapidly moving landscape. Small decisions have big impacts, and it’s important that you make predictions with as much analytic guile as possible.

To do this effectively, you need to keep an eye on the market, watching trends as they emerge, not after the fact.

While this general proactive process is obviously easier said than done, we thought we’d at least try to help you out - with that in mind, here are some hopefully relevant trends to watch out for, as we get stuck into 2024.

Data will maintain its centrality

B2B retailers already have access to sometimes overwhelming quantities of data, and this is only set to increase. Data will maintain its central position in a wide range of decision-making processes, allowing for informed predictions and proactive insights.

Sifting through this data, especially when there is such a vast quantity of potentially useful information, requires a diligent approach. Data engineers will certainly be earning their keep in the year to come.

Employee focus

Even in the B2B niche, people need to be taken into consideration, and this focus is fast emerging as a dominant trend.

While it’s not framed as a focus on the customer, organisations are still maintained through the labour of their workers, and a focus on sustainable employee-employer relations will become key.

Whether this relationship is strengthened through protective clothing from producers such as Stormline or attractive payment packages, measures need to be genuine and relevant to the people involved.

AI and machine learning

Some have treated AI as little more than a gimmick; in all honesty, maintaining this anti-AI position is simply no longer tenable in the modern world.

AI generative software is already transforming the world of content marketing and data analytics, and as these tools go from strength to strength, the influence of their presence in the B2B retail niche is only set to increase.

It’s important to try and pick up on these trends as they emerge, rather than always being late to the game. It will help you to maintain a competitive edge, something you can likely not afford to lose out on in the current environment.


Increasingly, decentralisation in the B2B niche is being seen as a key part of any kind of productive and adaptable future.

While an element of centralised decision-making will of course remain, it must ensure that it’s informed by the departments and individuals who actually know what’s happening on the ground. This shift will require ongoing agility, and an increased level of sensitivity all around.

Obviously, the B2B retail niche is a massive one, and the trends that you need to look out for need to be relevant to your specific business. Keep one eye on ongoing developments at all times, taking a closer look at anything you think could be instrumental to your ongoing success.

Throughout this process, try to look for the unexpected - trends that you’ve maybe dismissed in the past, but that could now be ready to have a positive influence on your brand.