H&M Group invests in Rondo and looks at how heat storage technologies can help decarbonise textile supply chain

H&M Group is partnering with Rondo Energy to explore the potential for heat storage technologies in its supply chain.

The fashion company is also making an investment in Rondo and joining its strategic investor advisory board.

The pair will explore opportunities for factories in the group's global supply chain to replace fossil fuels with clean heat and power delivered by Rondo Heat Batteries.

Rondo will use H&M Group Ventures' investment to expand its international operations and to develop and build storage projects serving this need.

"Producing and finishing fabrics requires large amounts of low-cost energy, which makes our brick batteries a perfect fit," says John O'Donnell, Founder and Chief Innovation Officer at Rondo Energy.

"Today, coal delivers most of the heat and most of the carbon pollution making fabrics, because it's always been cheap and simple to burn.”

“But the world is changing. Region by region around the world, wind and solar power are becoming cheaper than fossil fuels. At Rondo, we've created a simple, practical tool to harness those new energy sources."

H&M Group invests in Rondo and looks at how heat storage technologies can help decarbonise textile supply chain

"Rondo is thrilled to be working in partnership with H&M Group to explore how our technology can be of use in their supply chain, and to have H&M as an investor and member of our strategic investor advisory board," says Eric Trusiewicz, CEO at Rondo Energy.

"Rondo is H&M Group Venture's first investment in decarbonisation technology. The company's thermal battery energy storage has the potential to help factories electrify, which is key to achieving our climate targets,” says Laura Coppen, Sustainability Investments at H&M Group Ventures.

“We look forward to working closely with Rondo and the broader ecosystem in scaling decarb tech.”