Cool as a cucumber: the benefits of having an air cooler in your home

The long and torrid summer days can wreak havoc on your daily life, and while some are more resistant to its effects, for others, the slightest upticks in temperature can do a lot of damage.

Over the years, both scientists and the general public have noticed the trend of climbing temperatures all over the world as a result of climate change and global warming.

The change in weather patterns has accelerated the rate of pest-related illnesses like West Nile and Lyme, as well as that of food- or water-related diseases. Heat waves are more likely to affect people with a history of high blood pressure, and avoiding midday heat, staying hydrated and putting on sunscreen have become general rules for people during summertime. 

Heat cramps, heat exhaustion and the potentially deadly heatstroke can occur as a result of dehydration and loss of moisture, as the sweating mechanism fails and the body cannot cool itself adequately.

Psychiatrists have discovered that excessive heat impacts mental health as well, increasing the likelihood of irritability, aggression, anger and discomfort. Some medications could lose their potency as well. With all of this in mind, it’s crucial to find ways to keep cool and maintain a pleasant household.

Luckily, a simple gadget can do the trick just right. 

Home air cooler

Cooler air 

Air coolers operate by drawing in hot air and then passing it through moistened pads that reduce its temperature. This means that the temperature cools down as the water evaporates, and the environment instantly becomes more comfortable and refreshing.

The process can be repeated several times in succession until the desired temperature is achieved. The evaporation also releases minuscule droplets into the air, further reducing the heat. 


If you live in an area that gets very humid during the summer, you know how uncomfortable it can feel when the air feels thick and stuffy.  The air cooler will also balance humidity levels. The Environmental Protection Agency designates the ideal indoor humidity level as being anywhere between 30% and 60%.

If you have too much humidity, you’ll start noticing mould growth, affecting your respiratory system and even aggravating asthma symptoms in susceptible populations. Allergies, wheezing, skin irritation, condensation and impaired sleep quality can also occur as a result of steep humidity levels. 

Air quality 

Indoor air quality is often the unidentified culprit when dealing with unexplained respiratory or heart complaints. Several things can cause it, including the presence of fuel burning appliances, some building materials, cleaning and maintenance products, outdoor sources such as car fuel, and, of course, excess moisture.

Your air cooler can remove particulate matter and fine dust from the air you breathe, which is invisible to the eye but can nonetheless irritate the sensitive tissue of your lungs and airways. 

Energy efficient 

As people become aware of the importance of sustainability in growing numbers, many homeowners have begun looking for home appliances that are more eco-friendly and can replace their older, energy-guzzling models.

The air cooler consumes significantly less than an air conditioner, and no extra installation process is required as air coolers use a plug-and-play process. An air cool streamer utilises better airflow to achieve even better performance while needing less power. 


There are many air coolers out there that have been designed to be completely portable. This means that they don’t require permanent installation in order to function, and they can be moved anywhere in the home you need them to be.

The portable models come equipped with handles or even built-in casters so they can be easily transferred between the rooms. If you plan on relocating to a new home, you don’t have to worry about needing to pay a team of professionals to uninstall the appliance before you can move. 


Apart from the fact that energy consumption is reduced, air coolers are also entirely reliant on a natural temperature-decreasing process.

This means that it doesn’t use any chemicals as part of the refrigeration, some of which can harm human health and air quality.

Chlorofluorocarbons, commonly referred to as CFC, are synthetic substances used in the refrigeration cycles of most air conditioning appliances, and which can impact the nervous system, cause chest tightness, cough, bronchial constriction, dizziness, headaches and even pulmonary edema.

Moreover, they have been found to be responsible for ozone depletion, as well as boosting the greenhouse effect.  Air coolers do not emit these substances in the environment, meaning that they are considerably safer. 


There are many household gadgets out there that require a lot of maintenance. Frequently, it is also quite costly, and keeping up with expenses can become exceedingly difficult. Air coolers are at the opposite end of the spectrum, mainly due to their very simple design.

Most parts are completely removable, which makes it easy to clean. The cooling pads and water tank, in particular, are very easy to remove, wash and dry thoroughly before reassembling them inside the unit. Keep in mind that you need to go through with this process regularly, even if there might be no sign that something’s wrong when looking from the outside.

Keeping the cooler clean is crucial for optimal functioning and guarantees that you can enjoy your appliances longer. 


It’s becoming increasingly challenging to find gadgets that are both high-quality and affordable.

If you’re trying to remain within a specific budget every month without compromising on your comfort this summer, an air cooler might be the solution for you. There aren’t any options out there that can deliver the same results while remaining budget-friendly as well. 

Getting an air cooler should be on your list of necessary purchases if you find it difficult to deal with the summer heat on your own. A little help from this little gadget is all you need to beat the heat waves this year and ensure your home maintains an even temperature and is allergen-free throughout the warm season.

It is a long-term investment that you can enjoy for many years if you are careful to clean it regularly so that you'll never have to deal with the unpleasant effects of heat ever again.