Retail technology innovation of the week: Volvic launch shows off the power of 3D programmatic campaigns

Retail Technology Innovation of the Week is a series brought to you by RTIH and sponsored by 3D Cloud, highlighting stand out deployments, launches, and initiatives by retailers and tech suppliers.

Every week, we will showcase forward thinking tech plays that have impressed our Editor and the Retail Technology Innovations Report judging panel, alongside the publication of the 2024 report.

So far, we’ve flagged up sterling work being done by Ocado Retail, Decathlon, Lacoste, Downtown Spirits, TalkShopLive, Huck’s, Rovertown, Wing, Nobody’s Child, IKI, Pixevia, Walmart, A.L.C., Archive, Therabody, Outform, Kingfisher, PMC, Boots UK, Ocula Technologies, Grace O'Malley Irish Whiskey, Metacask, Ikea, Carrefour Belgium, Matalan, and McDonald’s.

And this week we’re focusing on Wavemaker UK, Global and, who have collaborated on a 3D programmatic digital out-of-home (DOOH) ad campaign for the launch of a new Touch of Fruit Sparkling range from Volvic.

For the next seven weeks, commuters and passers-by at Kings Cross and Waterloo London Underground stations will see Touch of Fruit Sparkling 3D cans popping out from digital screens.

The experience includes digital outdoor ads situated in close proximity to stockists, encouraging consumers to discover the new sparkling fruity flavoured drinks at their earliest convenience. 

The campaign marks the first time a 3D DOOH campaign has been programmatically bought and activated and it has been made possible thanks to the offering from Global via its Digital Ad Exchange (DAX). 

Retail technology innovation of the week: Volvic launch shows off the power of 3D programmatic campaigns

In addition, the use of 3D audio and digital display complements the outdoor campaign to capture the attention of a wide target audience by delivering a connected omnichannel experience.

A partnership with Wavemaker and The Trade Desk also enables the retargeting of the DOOH campaign across audio and display activity was responsible for the creative production, Wavemaker UK the media planning and buying, and GroupM Nexus’ AdvancedDOOH team the media buying via The Trade Desk. Wavemaker UK and managed the campaign end-to-end. 

Jules Smith, Head of Paid and Earned Media, Danone UKI, comments: “As a brand we love to be at the forefront of creativity and push the boundaries when it comes to creative advertising.”

“With the help of Wavemaker UK,, Global and the Touch of Fruit brand will really stand out from the crowd, making a splash with this stunning new creative – just in time for summer.”

“This eye catching, showstopping campaign truly breaks expectations by embodying the playful, surprising, and exciting nature of Touch of Fruit Sparkling drinks, in a distinctive Volvic way.” 

Chris Langley, Managing Partner, Wavemaker UK, says: “Such a sparkling campaign needed eye-catching media activations – with both 3D DOOH and audio being the perfect solution. This has been all made possible by the forward thinking nature of programmatic buying and retargeting.”

“By driving as much top-of-mind relevancy as possible will enable Volvic to not only positively provoke brand awareness, but capture audience attention when they are in a prime purchasing mindset.”

“Beyond this, working closely with Volvic, Global and, we’ve truly demonstrated what the future of DOOH could look like in the here and now. It will be truly amazing to see it all come to life.”

Alex Grieves, Commercial Director, Advanced DOOH at GroupM Nexus, says: “The combined elements of programmatically delivered 3D DOOH and audio, alongside classic digital display, make this a truly integrated and omnichannel campaign.”

“It provides a more engaging and interactive experience for consumers - one that we’re proud to be a part of. It’s been a pleasure to work with the Wavemaker UK,, Global and Volvic teams to make this a 3D reality.” 

Andrew Newman, CEO and Founder at, says: “This campaign really shows off the power of a 3D programmatic campaign. This approach goes beyond the limits of traditional outdoor advertising, turning the ad space into a captivating illusion.”

“This campaign was not just about catching eyeballs - it was about creating a moment, a share worthy campaign that embeds the Volvic brand in people's memory. Programmatic delivers guaranteed impacts, now with 3D forced perspective, you can achieve creative impact as well. An unmatched powerful combination in OOH.”

Mia Mulch, Group DAX Director at Global, says: “I’m so pleased that our programmatic outdoor capabilities are extending into bespoke creative formats that cut through for brands like Volvic. We’ve already been breaking boundaries in programmatic outdoor and I’m thrilled to bring this new opportunity to advertisers.”

Chris Reader, Head of Commercial Media at  TfL, says: “The uniqueness of these sensory immersive adverts not only highlights the innovative and forward-thinking approach of the team at Volvic but also serves as a another brilliant example of how our advertising assets can be used to promote products in a creative and impactful way.”