lululemon launches 2024 Global Wellbeing Report and makes wellbeing commitments within UK
lululemon has released its 2024 Global Wellbeing Report, benchmarking the state of mental, physical and social wellbeing across 15 countries.
In the UK, the report revealed that Brits are especially challenged by loneliness, with 72% saying it’s important to be more open to talking about loneliness as a society.
They are also turning to physical activity as an opportunity to socialise with others, reflected in the Gen Z led trend of ‘social exercising’, adopted by 54% of the younger generation.
This comes as the global state of wellbeing identifies a rise in ‘wellbeing burnout’, with one in two people participating in the counterproductive cycle where the relentless pursuit of wellbeing is making them less well.
While the report noted a stronger focus on this area, with 89% of people taking more action than they were a year ago to improve their wellbeing, nearly two-thirds noted that they are struggling with the growing societal demand to support their wellbeing in specific ways.

To mark the launch of this year’s report, which is being released ahead of World Mental Health Day, lululemon has made a range of commitments within the UK aimed at furthering wellbeing. These include:
On 10th October, lululemon will be donating 10% of UK sales revenue to UK suicide prevention charity Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM).
It will also be matching all donations made up to £50,000 to lululemon Ambassador Jonny Davies who is embarking on his latest Run the Capitals challenge, running 960km, across five capitals, in 11 days.
lululemon is announcing its $2.5 million commitment to United for Global Mental Health, and The Global Coalition for Youth Mental Health, led by UNICEF2 to continue its work in advancing mental health across the globe.
For World Mental Health Day, it will also be collaborating with local supper clubs to create a dining experience for 100 people that facilitates connection between guests with all ticket proceeds going to local charity partners.
This is in addition to dedicated events in global cities including Shanghai, Seoul, New York and Berlin.
"This year's report highlights how many people feel a growing sense of pressure to reach a ‘pinnacle’ of wellbeing,” says Calvin McDonald, CEO, lululemon.
“By sharing these insights, we hope to stimulate conversations and encourage people to reflect on how to support their wellbeing. The data shows us that moving with others and feeling a sense of community can positively impact how a person feels, and we look forward to bringing our guests and communities around the world together throughout the year to do just that.”
“People are talking about mental health more than ever before and it is critical for every part of our societies to come together to continue to raise awareness, reduce stigma and take action to increase support for mental health around the world,” says Sarah Kline, CEO of United for Global Mental Health and lululemon Mental Wellbeing Global Advisory Board Member.
"With lululemon’s donation and partnership, United for Global Mental Health will continue to drive national and global policy commitments and actions to encourage greater physical activity to support mental health across the world, recognising the strong bidirectional link between physical and mental health.”
“We will continue building the Global Mental Health Action Network as a global community to promote action and garner conversations to help address mental health and wellbeing pressures.”
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