Seeing double: Hamburg becomes only city in Germany to have two cashierless shopping REWE Pick&Go stores
A second REWE Pick&Go store has opened in Hamburg, powered by Trigo technology.
In a LinkedIn post, the retailer said: “After the successful launch of Europe's largest cashierless supermarket two months ago in the heart of Hamburg, the second store is now ready for operation.”
“Hamburg's First Mayor Dr. Peter Tschentscher gave the official starting signal for the REWE Pick&Go system in Altonaerstraße, corner of Amandastraße. If you don't yet know how such a cashierless shopping works, you should either stop by the store directly or our media centre.”
Customers will be able to choose between four different payment options: at the cash register; by scanning and paying at the self-checkout terminal; via computer vision support without scanning at the self-checkout terminal; or completely cashless when using an app.

Jochen Vogel, CEO at REWE Nord, says: “Hamburg is now the only city in Germany to have two REWE Pick&Go stores. We were able to launch the markets just a few weeks apart.”
“This was only possible thanks to the outstanding teamwork and close cooperation of all those involved. We all have a common goal: to offer our customers the best shopping experience.”
Physical stores are a key focus area for the sixth edition of the RTIH Innovation Awards, which is now open for entries.
The awards, sponsored by CADS, 3D Cloud, Retail Technology Show 2025, and Business France, celebrate global tech innovation in a fast moving omnichannel world.
It’s free to enter and you can do so across multiple categories.
Key 2024 dates
Friday, 25th October: Award entry deadline
Tuesday, 29th October: 2024 shortlist revealed
30th October-6th November: Judging days
Thursday, 21st November: Winners announced at the 2024 RTIH Innovation Awards ceremony, to be held at RIBA’s 66 Portland Place HQ in Central London.
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