Smart Retail Tech 2024 conference review: Sticky physical digital labels empower in-person fast virtual payments  

“You can get a drink in five seconds with our physical digital labels. It’s faster than a card,” said James Garner, Co-founder of UK startup Sticky, in a presentation at Smart Retail Tech Expo on 28th February at London ExCel.

The solution won the Innovative Product of the Year award at the show.

Sticky uses its own operating system with NFC technology to enable retail and other companies to process fast payment transactions via tapping a label with a reader on a phone app.

This was demonstrated by Garner in London, who then held the smartphone up to his own face to ID himself and authenticate the instant purchase using Apple (or Google) Pay. 

Other capabilities

“Sticky also offer asset tracking capabilities,” said fellow Co-founder, Priscilla Israel, during a joint presentation.

“During recent Covid lockdowns some retailers even experimented with placing Sticky’s patented specially shaped hardy stickers in the windows of their stores as well.”

This literally enabled ‘window shopping’ during the pandemic because a passing consumer could scan a Sticky label and have a purchased product brought from the back of a shop without any need for physical interaction.   

Israel, who looks after the non-technical side of the business, cited other potential applications to the Keynote Theatre 1 audience in London, such as faster enrolment in loyalty schemes, quick entry into nightclubs, customer facing inventory stock checks, and so on.


The physical digital labels are each unique and ideal for busy hospitality venues where physical experiences are still a vital part of the appeal to consumers.

“You can name every one of the white labelled stickers for your brand, and specify it as Table 1, 2, 3 and so on if you are a restaurant,” explained Garner.

Self-checkout applications using a customer’s own handheld mobile devices are also possible in fast food or supermarket outlets.  

Many shoppers still like to go in-store. Sticky’s offering can cater for this demand, while still linking instantly to inventory or payment systems. This beats queues and allows in-person consumers to link fast to digital services, thereby improving their experience.

The product also enables retailers to maximise their floor space and potential sales.

Startup targeting growth

Based in Manchester, UK, the company was founded by Israel and Garner in 2020.

“Since 2021, we’ve done two rounds of VC funding and we are growing massively, especially in the retail space,” said Israel. “Our aim is to reduce your cost and increase your revenue.”   

Under questioning, Garner refuted any copying or privacy concerns by pointing to the unique proprietary offering and the uniquely shaped patented labels themselves, which would be hard to replicate.

“We also have a right to be forgotten button,” he added.

“You can expand the capabilities of our digital sticker as well via add-ons using HTML or JavaScript,” continued Garner. “Developers can easily do this to find more applications and bring different parts of their organisations together at scale.”