The rise of stablecoin transactions in non-crypto businesses

The financial landscape is undergoing a remarkable transformation, with stablecoin transactions increasingly becoming the norm among non-crypto-related businesses.

This trend, a focal point in the crypto banking industry for 2024, is primarily driven by the quest for faster, more cost-efficient solutions, the expanding integration of crypto services, and the adoption of Web3 solutions for traditional businesses. As a pioneer in this evolving market, Banxe stands at the forefront, offering a compelling blend of traditional and innovative financial services.

The surge of stablecoin utilisation

The integration of stablecoins into daily business operations is not just a fad but a strategic move by companies to streamline their financial processes.

Stablecoins, known for their price stability and being pegged to fiat currencies, offer the predictability businesses need while retaining the advantages of digital currency. The adoption rate has surged as businesses recognise the potential for immediate transaction settlement, reduced fees, and enhanced operational efficiency.

Banxe’s competitive edge in transaction processing

Banxe is revolutionising the way businesses handle financial transactions, both in the crypto and traditional banking spheres. With transaction processing fees as low as 0.2%, Banxe presents a stark contrast to the traditional card gateways that often impose fees ranging from 2-4%.

This significant reduction in transaction costs is a game-changer for businesses, enabling them to maximise their financial resources and invest in growth and expansion.


Comprehensive financial solutions

What sets Banxe apart is not just its competitive fee structure but also its comprehensive suite of financial services.

Offering a range of traditional international and local  money transfers, including SWIFT, SEPA, CHAPS, and Faster Payment, Banxe caters to the global and local needs of businesses. Furthermore, with a dedicated IBAN account, clients enjoy the convenience and security of managing their funds seamlessly.

Seamless crypto to fiat conversion

In today’s dynamic market, the ability to easily convert cryptocurrencies into fiat money is crucial.

Banxe excels in this area, supporting over 350 cryptocurrencies and ensuring that businesses can swiftly transition between crypto and traditional currencies. This versatility is vital for companies looking to leverage the benefits of both financial worlds.

Instant settlement: a 24/7 advantage

The financial world never sleeps, and neither does Banxe. Offering instant settlement 24/7, Banxe ensures that businesses can conduct transactions at any time without delay.

This around the clock availability is essential in a globalised economy where time zones and traditional banking hours can impede financial operations.

The growing acceptance of crypto gateways

The rise of online stores integrating crypto gateways signifies a shift in the e-commerce landscape.

Consumers and businesses alike are increasingly seeking payment alternatives that offer security, speed, and convenience. Banxe, with its robust infrastructure and user-friendly platform, empowers businesses to tap into this growing demand and cater to a broader audience.

The future is now

The consistent increase in stablecoin transactions among non-crypto-related businesses is a clear indicator of the evolving financial landscape.

With the integration of crypto gateways and the benefits of platforms like Banxe, businesses are well positioned to thrive in this new era. The combination of lower fees, comprehensive financial services, seamless crypto-fiat conversion, and 24/7 instant settlement positions Banxe as a leader in the crypto and banking industry, ready to meet the demands of 2024 and beyond.

As we move forward into 2024, the trend of incorporating stablecoin transactions in non-crypto businesses is set to continue, driven by the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and adaptability offered by platforms like Banxe.

Embracing this trend is not just about keeping pace with technological advancements but about setting the stage for sustainable growth and global connectivity in the digital age.